"In other news a tragic incident has happened deep in Alaskan territory. The Nuclear Weapons Disposal facility, the birthplace of the Russian/American Start 3 treaty has suffered massive failure. We are getting reports that several dismantled warheads developed leaks and over time during their storage time and seeped toxic waste poisoning many of the working staff. The National Guard and the Red Cross have succeeded in evacuating most of the staff however several high ranking officers including DARPA chief Donald Anderson, Armstek President Kenneth Baker and the Chief scientist Hal Emmerick are among the dead poisoned by the spill. The President had these words to say." The screen changed from the young TV anchor to the aging President Trent Dugalle in front of the customary blue backdrop and the presidential seal of a press conference.

"Our hearts go out to those kind and wonderful people who gave their lives for peace, for the complete annihilation of nuclear weapons! Let their sacrifices drive us towards world peace. I urge the world to join me, as long as weapons of mass destruction are pointed at our allies there can be no peace. I also urge Russian President Anton Kerrigen to join me in the signing of the new revised Start 3 treaty, to join me in a new era of peace, to join me in the reduction of Nuclear weapons to a mere hundred warheads. The time has come where any country with nuclear weapons can blackmail one without them." Yelled the president with heart to the crowds of reporters. "Without ample Nuclear weapons between the United States and Russia no side can hope to win, As gift of good faith I will sign the treaty and immediately start the reduction of this peaceful country’s nuclear weapons. I urge Russia and the rest of the world to join me as well. In unity we are unstoppable." The President finished his speech. Instead of the flocks of reporters struggling to ask questions they began to clap. The entire assembly stood up and cheered for peace, but Dugalle just stood there and smiled he had the world exactly where he wanted them. The time was at hand. Meryl turned off the TV in a groan of disgust. Snake across the room noticed her expression.

"I don’t trust that man and neither does Uncle Cambell. He often talked about him. He’s a complete power freak. He wouldn’t be happy until he was the sole owner of every weapon in the world. That entire speech went against his personality. He’s up to something." Told Meryl.

"I never was into politics." Said Snake simply putting down the manual in his hand.

"But what about that crap about a toxic spill, do you think they killed Hal? We both know that spill didn’t happen; he can’t be trusted."

"I’m sure Cambell got Hal out of there and you didn’t expect them to tell the world that their own special forces team went AWAL, stole a giant bipedal robot that was designed to launch a stealth nuclear weapons did you? The pentagon has a box of lies for any situation and as for the President he’s just being a politician. If all that stuff about being a power freak is true he would have nothing militarily to gain from world nuclear disarming unless…oh no." Snake suddenly stopped talking and stared into space thinking about something very important.

"What!? What’s wrong?" asked Meryl worried by Snake’s sudden silence.

"Think about it. What If the president knew all along about Metal Gear’s stealth missiles? If the entire world followed along with the treaty the number of conventional nuclear weapons would be reduced." Said Snake.

"Yeah so?" asked Meryl.

"Then in secret the United States begin to mass produce and position stealth missiles at all their enemies and launch them simultaneously, there would be absolutely no retaliation. In one fowl swoop the president would cripple all his enemies. No one would be able to prove the origin of the stealth missiles, the perfect plan." Explained Snake.

"That monster!" exclaimed Meryl.

"Calm down it was just an idea. We won’t have any answers until we can read the optical disk with the test data then we can be sure about the president and do something about it." Said Snake.

"How’s it going?" Said Meryl motioning the floor covered with computer parts, boxes and manuals. After escaping on the Coronal’s helicopter Snake and Meryl made there way to Washington D.C. where they laid low in a small apartment they rented. They had just bought a computer to try and read the Rex test data disk. However the assembly was giving snake a hard time. Snake picked up some wires and dropped them in despair.
"Meryl do you have any idea how to use one of these things?" asked Snake.
"Why didn’t you just pay the extra hundred dollars and get those computer guys to put it together David?" replied Meryl.
"It didn’t look that hard to do." Said Snake. After a couple more hours and four blown fuses Snake got it assembled. He flipped the power switch.

"Here goes nothing." Said Snake. They cheered when the computer booted up. Meryl slammed the optical disk into the computer. Snake used the mouse and clicked on the icon to open the disk. The screen blinked Please Enter Password. Snake randomly typed in some numbers and hit enter. The screen flashed Access Denied.

"Damn I hate computers!" yelled Snake.

"How are we going to get into it now?" asked Meryl. Snake calmed down and thought about their situation.
"I know let’s get in contact with your uncle. He can help us get Mei Ling to help us, if anyone can break this code she can." Said Snake.

Deep under the Pentagon lays a vast network of tunnels. In many of them hidden black projects go on without the public knowing. Deeper past the tunnels lays something more sinister, darker. This is where the klaxons began to sound. Bearly sounding over the alarms a phone rang. A man in full combat dress walked over to a console and picked up a phone.

"Yes boss I know Snake is trying to access the optical disk. Don’t worry he won’t be able to access the disk or escape this time…don’t worry sir I won’t fail you again." Said the man into the phone. He hung up and then dialed a number.

"Scramble team Alpha, subjects are located in an apartment building on Evergreen St. Apprehend if possible, use of deadly force is authorized. Get me that disk!" yelled the general.

"Well Snake you’ve taken my hand and my dignity now I will have your head, you won’t escape this time." Said the man to himself as he pulled a revolver from his belt.

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