On the barren wastelands of Alaska stood the ruins of nuclear weapons disposal facility, deserted on the surface except for a dark figure. Watching as a snowmobile rode across the ice towards the horizon. The figure took a satellite phone from his pocket and dialed.

"Boss, they’re escaping. Should I stop them?" Said the man. A muffled almost inaudible response came from behind the static of the satellite encrypting.

"No I need Snake, and as for the girl, let her live, Cambell cares for her we can use that. My satellite photos show a squadron of National Guard troops coming to recover Metal Gear and to clean up your mess, ETA two minutes. I suggest you get underground General, and general, I suggest you don’t get caught"

The figure put his phone in his trench coat. And headed for a bunker. A few moments later the tundra started to shake, on the horizon black dots begin appearing. The dots soon turned into Chinook helicopters, swirling blizzards of white snow in all directions. They started to hover over the base as their cargo doors opened and troops spilled out of them going in every direction, following a SWAT takedown scenario to the book. The troops wearing white camouflage parkas and packing FA-MAS rifles started towards the bunkers. Suddenly before they could react, three soldiers fell to the ground simultaneously as three bullets rushed from a colt single action revolver into the soldier’s chests. The attacker wearing a hooded white parka raced across the base toward one of the Chinooks while the troops stayed bullets in the snow just behind him. Two more troops fell in a heap that tried to stop the figure. He reached a helicopter and jumped in from the side cargo bay shutting and locking the door behind him. The pilots realized the person shooting was onboard so one went to lock the door to the cockpit, but before his hand could twist the lock, a bullet went through the metal door into his gut blowing him into the co-pilot and the controls. The helicopter leered left, its nose pointing towards the ground in an uncontrolled dive as the pilots where pressed against the controls. The door flew open and the attacker calmly stood in the middle of the cockpit and reloaded his revolver, with one hand. The co-pilot panicking hit the autopilot for hover and cried into his headset.

"Mayday an unidentified attacker is hijacking Alfa two," a clunk as the first bullet hit home in the revolver. "I repeat mayday," another clunk. "For the love of god…" clunk. The pilot gave up calling for help and started to struggle at his seat belts. The fourth bullet slided in. The pilot freed himself and went to a control panel pulling out a set of keys and started to search through them for the right one to a small locker. Another clunk. The pilot dropped the keys starting to panic picked up the keys in his trembling hands and tried a key. It worked! He opened the locker. Inside was a small socom pistol. One final clunk and a click as the gun closed and whiz as the figure spinned the revolver. The pilot grabbed the gun and swung around 180 degrees.

"Freeze Mister" yelled the pilot holding the gun to the attacker’s chest in a waver’s stance. The figure simply laughed. "Put down the gun, I don’t want to shoot." Reported the pilot. The figure lowered his pistol appearing to give up and then fired. The bullet rocketed off the metal floor of the cockpit and into the pilot. The pilot lurched to the ground and dropped the gun.

"I always win a gun fight." Said the figure simply in a coarse Russian accented voice. The shooter removed the bodies from the cockpit and sat down at the controls and started towards the horizon.

The troops below started to shoot at the helicopter realizing it was trying to get away. Two soldiers lifted a large crate out of a Chinook and lifted off the heavy cover, revealing a stinger missile launcher. One pulled out a tripod and nail-gunned it to the ground while the other loaded the launcher. It took three more soldiers to lift the long-range launcher on its tripod. The stolen helicopter was almost out of sight over the frozen sea. They took aim. A brilliant flash of yellow light exploded as the missile left the launcher and rocketed to its target.

Inside the stolen helicopter lights began to flash and a klaxon sounded as the radar systems of the Chinook realized a little to late that something locked on. Since the helicopter was low on fuel form it’s fuel leak there was no time and no gas to react as the missile let off a final afterburner to hit its target. The missile met its target in the rear engine, turning it into a flaming ball of metal and jet fuel hurtling towards the frozen water below. The helicopter hit cockpit first spraying deadly fragments of ice in every direction. The Chinook began to skid along the ice flash boiling the ice underneath the still burning metal. It finally came to rest for a moment until it started to steadily sink into the melting ice.

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