A few miles away Meryl and Snake where making their getaway on a snow mobile heading for the waiting Huey on Fox island. When they heard deafening crash and a flash of light. Snake turned the snow mobile into a skid, reacting by instinct trying to locate the sound. The sideways snow mobile suddenly hit a crevice in the ice and flipped upside down flinging its passengers into the air. They landed hard on the ice. Snake was up within seconds searching for any threat.

"Nice driving, Snake next time I’ll drive." Said Meryl getting up slowly and brushing the snow off her and clutching her bruised side.

"I was protecting us, didn’t you hear that crash?" inquired Snake, still looking around.

"Look there," said Snake pointing in the direction of a giant plume of black smoke. "Looks like somebody needs help."

"But Snake, everyone thinks where dead, if we blow our cover you and me will have to do some explaining and most likely you’ll get the blame." Reminded Meryl.

"Your right but your forgetting Ocelot still around, and where Ocelot is theirs trouble. Snake lifted the snowmobile back up and began searching it for weapons. All he found was a flare gun and a couple catches.

"It’ll have to do." He muttered. Before Snake could get behind the controls, Meryl was already there.

"It’s my turn." She said jokingly. Snake got on the passenger side and they where off towards the big clouds of smoke. A hundred meters before the crash Snake told Meryl to stop.

"I’ll check it out, the snowmobile is too loud." Said snake walking towards the wreck.

A short while later Snake reached the wreck. It was a helicopter, half sinking in the ice with flaming wreckage all around it. Snake only spotted one body, he hurried to it. It was the pilot; Snake felt for a pulse when he heard a crunch like a boot falling through the ice and then all hell broke lose. Puffs of snow shot up all around Snake; he dived for cover behind the sinking copter.

"You’re lucky I never miss, it wasn’t for that Ninja, but the boss fixed him haha." Called Snakes Attacker.

"Ocelot." Snake muttered looking around for revolver.

"Why are you hiding? Don’t you want to settle this?" taunted revolver.

"Settle it? You didn’t want to when you had me strapped to a electric chair." Yelled Snake keeping Ocelot talking.

"I was doing my job. Business before pleasure eh Snake?"

Ocelot’s voice was definitely coming from the other side of the helicopter. Snake crouched down looking beneath the wreckage. There he was! Slowly making his way closer to the burning wreck.

"There you are!" Ocelot unleashed a spray of bullets, Snake didn’t think he reacted. He rolled out form behind the helicopter drew the flare gun, took aim and fired. The burning canister of fuel hit Ocelot’s good arm in the shoulder. Revolver dropped his colt and screamed in pain jabbing with his stub at the burning wound. Snake slowly walked over and picked up revolver’s gun and checked the chamber. One bullet left more than enough. Ocelot succeeded in pulling out the flare and collapsed to the ice wincing in pain.

"Where’s the test data for Metal Gear? Where!" Snake said pulling up the revolver to his feet with one hand.

"You beat me in a duel! No one ever beats the revolver," he said unbelieving.

"It must be my lucky day, now where is the data? Tell Me," yelled Snake shaking Ocelot who cried out in pain. Snake had no sorrow for him he had sadistically tortured him and Meryl. Suddenly Ocelot began to smile and let out a crackling laugh.

"Not lucky enough it seems" whispered revolver.

"Huh!?" Snake looked around and seen what Ocelot was talking about in the distance was a squad of snowmobiles closing the distance fast. Snake pulled Ocelot behind the wreckage that was even more sunk into the ice for cover. He hit Ocelot on the head with the butt of the handgun knocking him cold. Snake began to search him for the disk, if it fell into the wrong hands, even the government’s it would be bad. He found a box of armor piercing bullets, a satellite phone. It wasn’t there, Snake muttered "damn". The snowmobiles would arrive soon and he considered what he should do with Ocelot, he couldn’t kill him he needed him to find out what was going on. He opened the box of bullets to reload the gun and was surprised to find the box didn’t have bullets but an optical disk. "Very clever Ocelot." Said Snake to himself. Suddenly sparks flew around him as the snowmobile riders opened fire. One of them rode around to the back of the wreck and met the last bullet from Ocelot’s gun square in the head; between the eyes, as he died his finger stayed on the trigger as it slumped onto the snowmobile and hit the gas tank. It exploded in orange flames. Snake reached for Ocelot’s belt for six more bullets; this was going to be a hard battle to win. More sparks flew and a warm liquid started to pour over Snake. At first he thought he was bleeding, until he realized the helicopters fuel tank was leaking, if the soldiers kept firing, his cover was going to be blown, literally. Two more snowmobiles ventured around the hulk, snake used his remaining bullets on them. Now without bullets snake had no defense, the soldiers on their snowmobiles had the advantage. Snake heard a snowmobile starting another attack this was it. The snowmobile drove in front of Snake, he readied himself to pounce on the driver. But it wasn’t a solider it was Meryl!

"Need a lift?" She asked calmly despite their situation.

"I owe you one!" exclaimed Snake as he jumped on. Meryl revved the engine and they sped away to the waiting helicopter on Fox Island.

"So where to now?" asked Meryl. Snake held up the optical disk containing the Rex test data.

"We’re going to get some answers and finish this once and for all." Answered Snake.


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